Supper Package update

Updating on the previous topic Ticket Package or Product Limits.

Following the guidelines I added the package to an existing event, located in our Music genre folder.But something didn’t work!

I added the Music folder to the ‘Events for which supper is available’ selection.
I created a Supper 6th July, and short-cutted it to the Aidan O’Rourke event on that date.
I didn’t add the Taxi as this is for Theatre supper events only.
It hasn’t worked!

Is it because I didn’t add the Taxi and this is part of the current deal?
If so, we need Events with Suppers set up separate from Events with Supper & Taxi.
Or, do we need separate genre folders i.e. Music only / Music with Supper / Theatre only / Theatre with Supper & Taxi?


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