It’s been a while… we’ve had some major work to do in Admin. Nothing has changed, but all the 3rd party libraries we were using were getting well out of date - enough that when we found a problem with one of them, we couldn’t install the latest version to fix a bug, because the latest version of A required the latest version of B, and C also uses B so if you upgrade B to the latest version you have to upgrade C to the latest version too, the latest version of C doesn’t work with A… etc.
Admin looks slightly different - a bit crisper, a bit cleaner I think - but should work the same way.
Apart from that:
- We have a “Sales total by date” report for when you have timed entry slots but want a total by day (not performance or show)
- AccessControl report by folder for downloading barcodes
- When you update a folder on-sale-scheme and apply the changes to the contents, the changes to the contents are logged properly.
- Date pickers now have This/Next/Last financial year as an option
- Facebook Pixel ad tracking analytics now available
- The Profile breadcrumbs no longer get stuck with the name of the first customer you looked at
- The product stock level editor no longer crashes if no stock takes have ever been created for a product.
- The Payment Detail report now shows the payment time as well as date
- Reservations are now logged more completely
- The “Product Limit Override” setting on the basket now takes effect immediately (it was being cached!)
- Reports can now produce JSON and CSV output - this means we can create a report shortcut and use it as a custom data feed to external system.
- Custom data feed report for ArenaMetrix now exists. Check them out at
- Manual quantities can now be entered on the Seating plan view
- The “Product requires package” function has been enchanced: a product can now be set to only be valid if you have one of several packages active.