Booking Protect Integration

We have a new integration! With

When the integration is set up, if you add tickets for a performance to the basket the option will appear to add refund protection insurance:

and if the customer chooses to add it, and then completes the transaction, it shows up in your Booking Protect Dashboard:

I’ve been sceptical of refund protection insurance for a long time - “why not just have a humane refund policy at the box office, and not make people pay extra for insurance?” - but COVID19 has tipped me over the line into thinking it’s worth doing. In particular, if you or a member of your family tests positive for coronavirus, and you are required to self-isolate, then they will pay out the refund - which I think will be a big help when giving people the confidence to start booking tickets again.

[they don’t pay out if the government bans travel or starts another lockdown]

Get in touch if you’re interested and we will get the right person at Booking Protect to contact you.

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