New Features:
- Admin settings now has a “Folder Landing Page” page, which you can use to keep track of landing pages and update the target of landing pages. Previously, this could only be edited from individual folders.
- Vue based progressive loading pages improved, themes are now more flexible.
- Allow database setting of default tax rate by Adjustment Type
- Added UI to reset default product delivery schemes on a folder.
- Folders which are named after the performance date now remember the date format used, and the folder name will automatically update when the performance date is changed.
- Improved User Alerts to included linked accounts: selecting an account now shows alterts belonging to linked accounts.
- Added button to erase all user personal data on inactive accounts.
- Added “Include Donation In Price” and terminology overrides for products which have opt-out donations.
- Improved default codeREADr service settings
- Sales reports consolidated from separate “by day” “by week” “by month” reports into a single report “over time” with configurable time period, has option to be grouped by source, discount, package, userstatus
- Folder CTA logic improved.
- Improved On Sale / Not On sale status handling.
- Membership purchases that are overpaid on purpose with standing orders now repeat the donation in subsequent years.
- Membership renewals keep the same membership code if renewed within 60 days up from 7.
- Donation suggestions are sorted by value
- On sale schemes which EXCLUDE people based on user statuses now work more like how you would expect them to.
- Renamed “Simple Pricing” to “Stock Pricing”, and hid the option unless the Product Type is set to “Stock”.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug editing folder selections when the folder selection has just been created.
- Fixed bug deleting folders containing installment schemes and products with installment schemes
- Fixed a bug with adding Marketing lists manually to invidividual customer records within sales.
- Fixed Ctrl+Drag on folder tree to copy folders.
- Fixed a bug where background job execution (e.g. emailing reports) sometimes runs the same job twice.
- Fixed Change User function to update User as well as ContextUser when it’s a self-service order.
- Fixed User Logout to remove pending stock take records
- Fixed “Display Duration” option not affecting the UI