Alpha version

I’m pushing a new version to the Alpha channel.

New Features:

Audience List for Promoter report interacts with the “Current User Id” parameter and the “Show Promoter” field to make it easy to automatically email audience lists to promoters.

Per-user custom forms linked to product purchases can now be assigned to both the purchaser AND the recipient (where ticket assignment is in use)


The report subtype groups are being published properly now, so browsing reports is closer to the experience we designed. They had been missed off the previous deployment script.

Changing the customer of an order also updates relevant credit account payments.

Admin dashboard now has a role check for certain elements ensuring only people with the Admin role can see them.

Bug Fixes:

Horrible infinite loop crash in Breadcrumbs fixed.

A foreign key constraint has been deleted making it possible to delete reservations that have had reminder emails created.

We hope the new report groupings (which are now being displayed properly!) will make the reports more legible:

Let us know if there are alternative logical groupings for reports that would make sense for you, and we can consider introducing them.

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